Thread: I'm back, people!

Behold, the prodigal lombax returns!

Welcome back! Wondered when you'd be making your return? So how was boot camp?

Awesome welcome back! So what was boot camp like?

Deleted user


You're BACK! Did you get the comic books?

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youre back!!!! I bet the trip was awesome emoji

welcome back didn't even knew you went to boot camp but hey as long as you had a good time there it's good enough for me emoji

wellcome back buddy

I am so glad to be back, people. Here's the low down of the 6 weeks at the Limited Service Volunteers:

Week 1:
My first intro to LSV. The first thing to go through my head was "this wasn't in the brochure!" Within minutes of basically signing my butt away for six weeks I had a 6-foot, ex-british army military police officer in my face telling me I had twenty seconds to empty my bag. That was my first intro to Sergeant Skipper. He terrified the crap out of me! We also had our first intro to punishments, like prone bridge and pulse lunges (don't ask). We were kitted out and basically thrown in the deep end.
We also had classes, and a thing called life change, where we had to stand up in front of our platoon and share our life stories. That was a very emotional day, especially when one of the guys who had been trying to act really hard, admitted to a room full of blokes that he had recently found out he was gay. He got a standing ovation. emoji

Week 2:
We had so much stuff on that all the things we did kind of blur together so the order might be wrong.This week I think it was rock climbing. We also won the first of many victory's for two platoon! and prep for…

Week 3:
Field Training Exercise 1!
Three days of freezing rain, wind and a cramped tent. We did river flotation and I flashed Sergeant Skipper when the current pulled my shorts down. Good thing my undies stayed on…

Week 4:
The event of note this week was the high ropes I think… remember I said stuff kinda blurred. 2 clips and a safety harness between you and 25 metres of air. Cool fun! We also did abseiling. I went down face first. It was scary and fun!

Week 5:
Field Training Exercises 2! This time it was the Rimutaka ranges and the weather was glorious! 3 days of hiking through beautiful New Zealand scenery. Gold…

Week 6:
Rec day. We were given a set amount of money we were allowed to spend on junk food and got to watch movies and eat to our hearts content. However, our stomachs had had 6 weeks of healthy food and we were all feeling quite queasy when the staff unveiled the true purpose of rec day. Two words: chunder run.
I think half the company threw up. The whole day was a lesson on why too much junk food is bad for you. We also did a lot of drill as prep for:

March out day:
This was the proudest moment of my life. Marching in perfect step in front of 500 people, and receiving the Officer Commanding award for top trainee out of the whole course. That was the first time I'd ever seen my dad cry…

The last six weeks have been the most challenging and the most satisfying weeks of my life. Sometimes it was hard, but I don't regret it for a moment… emoji

wow that was awesome well besides the bad parts that happened but it's still awesome.

Wow that sounds intense! I wouldnt have been able to survive it for six whole weeks^^; it still sounds nice though…well glad your back emoji

well that sounds like some full on six weeks! I would not be able to do any of that! Exept the eating junk food emoji That i am good at! If only i got more practice emoji Hahaha. But it sounds like you had some good fun there and did quite well, congratulations on the being better than all the others emoji

Yay your back and it sounds like you had a very tough 6 weeks there.

Glad Ur Back