Thread: Really Random thread

Reminds me of that old joke
- See this? N I can mirror it
- How?
- Look at dis. И
- Wow!
- Now look at R.
- So?
- Я.
- How do you do that?!
- I'm Russian.

Good work on the translations!
As for Al meowing… I'm not even surprised. This is Japan after all!

I might be a bit surprised if I see someone wearing a Ratchet costume on our trip to Japan, though. And Cyrillic, heh, mirror an alphabet and you get a whole different one. And is Russia notorious for pirating movies and sell them for a cheap price? Because I remember owning a copy of the movie Madagascar, but all the texts are in Russian. So in the intro we saw a big "Мадагаскар" in the screen which was quite funny to us, like "Whoa, Russian?" And my cousin also had a copy of Monsters vs Aliens (is the title correct? It's another movie from Dreamworks) and all texts are also in Russian.

Actually Turkey is famous for selling bootleg movies. And GameBoy Advance games. And Nintendo DS games. And clothes.

Microsoft Press Conference, tonight @ 23:00 Berlin time

We have a really big torrent server with all the movies and cartoons. We don't even need to sell them - you can just DL them. Many of them are on EN as well~
not even them, but also books, games, etc. I think you can find almost everything there

Alright, so:

Xbox One X is like a gaming PC. Ok, great. Anything else? No? Then show some games. I'm not into 4k or 60 fps.

Now, if this were Tinder. There'd be a lot of left swipes. Loads of FPS and not very cool looking indies. Quantity over quality the first few minutes. Egypt Game looked cool… Until it became Assassin's Creed.

Sea of Thieves seems fun, but not really my style. Also, the person who decided to place Super Lucky's Tale right after RareWare just wanted to make people think: Conker. But it actually looks fun.

Then, Life is Strange 2! Looking forward to that, even though I have yet to play the first.

New Ori! I love Aerlie Brighton, such a wonderful vocalist. Can't wait to read Ancillary Justice again listening to that OST!

And then Anthem. Huge fan of BioWare here and it looks insanely cool. But… Can I play it alone? I don't want to play with friends. Just give me the awkward Fuse experience. I'm totally okay with that. At least it's something.

Alright, so:

Xbox One X is like a gaming PC. Ok, great. Anything else? No? Then show some games. I'm not into 4k or 60 fps.

Now, if this were Tinder. There'd be a lot of left swipes. Loads of FPS and not very cool looking indies. Quantity over quality the first few minutes. Egypt Game looked cool… Until it became Assassin's Creed.

Sea of Thieves seems fun, but not really my style. Also, the person who decided to place Super Lucky's Tale right after RareWare just wanted to make people think: Conker. But it actually looks fun.

Then, Life is Strange 2! Looking forward to that, even though I have yet to play the first.

New Ori! I love Aerlie Brighton, such a wonderful vocalist. Can't wait to read Ancillary Justice again listening to that OST!

And then Anthem. Huge fan of BioWare here and it looks insanely cool. But… Can I play it alone? I don't want to play with friends. Just give me the awkward Fuse experience. I'm totally okay with that. At least it's something.

I am actually excited for AC only if the rumours about visiting Greece turn true.
Another game that me and some from IG Discord adore was The Last Night. That was beautiful and I am waiting for to see how it plays.

Sony just wrapped up. (I'm a crazy person watching a 03:00 in the morning)

Lost Legacy is going to be really fun and have the Uncharted humor.

Horizon will get a… DLC? It wasn't very clear.

Moss for PS VR looks super cute! Too bad it's VR.

Detroid will be amazing. And I'm pretty sure that was Doctor Avery from Grey's Anatomy. Marking him the 3rd to appear in a game. (To my knowledge)

Spider-Man… I'm just not into Marvel. I only wanna see what comes after, haha.

Other than that: God of War, new Shadows of the Collosus, Skyrim VR and Monster Hunter.

So, Ubisoft might have just turned a game for all ages to an M-rated game. I just watched Beyond Good and Evil 2's trailer and I was surprised to hear a lot of f-words. I mean, wow Ubisoft. And I've seen outraged people in the comments because they found out it was a prequel to the first game and Jade wouldn't appear in the game.

*cleans tired eyes*
Wait, what?! How could I have missed BGaE! But no Jade? Okay…

I didn't even watch the full show. I just browsed for the video, since I'm most likely to be asleep during the live broadcast. And yeah, it was outrageous for the fans. What used to be a classic PS2-style game for all ages and cartoon-ish graphics turned into an M-rated game. I admit the graphics look wonderful, but really? Adding blood and f-words? Targeting the fans who are currently teens and adults but not paying attention to the biggest potential customers: kids.

I'm concerned about the fact they made it into an online game. Why not a good single player game?!

The game aged with the original fans, so that's probably why it matured.

What? They made it into an online game?

Anyways, here are the games that hyped me the most so far:

1. Ace Combat 7 (#MakeErusiaBurnAgain)
2. Call of Duty: WW2 (at last! A WW2 CoD game!)
3. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (not sure about buying it, but I'm hyped anyways)
4. SW Battlefront 2 (don't screw this up, EA and Dice)
5. Uncharted: Lost Legacy (ohohohoho, dis gun be epic)

Yep. Much like Destiny. Again…


For me:

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Detroid: Becoming Human
Knack 2