Thread: Help Thread

I was buisy with the skill points, but than i came to this one:



Now is my question what mini game?
Where can you find a Fix Time Mini Game?

The Time Mini-games are the little planet repair minigames you had to do in Sector 3 (and can find in Sectors 1 and 2). After beating a level with a Time Anomaly minigame, you can return to it later using the Teleporter and play an infinite version via any of the planets (so in Sector 3 you can choose between Quantos, Torren IV and Terachnos. The more rounds you complete, the more anomalies appear and the faster they move.

To get the Skill Point, you need to complete Round 30 of the minigame and make it to Round 31. Making it to Round 30 and failing will earn you nothing (except maybe a blown temper).

Thank you! emoji

Seems hard though >.<

Hey, I need help with the treasure hunter skill point on Planet Lumos, Krell Canyon. I know what to do but I cant find all the camo crates.

THANK YOU! I finally have all the points.

yes thank you! I needed that map to!

Hey I can't find gold bolt on Zanifar,Tombli Outpost beacouse bolt is not on map of secret things….And I am from the Czech Republic and I don't know english.

The Gold Bolt can be found like this:

Go to the Grind Rail (vine) you took after encountering the Tetramite Nest. You'll use a Hoverbolt and some Kick Pads. Instead of heading forwards, turn around and glide over to the curved platform. On the end will be the Gold Bolt.

Oh, thank you. But you do not know why it is not a gold bolt on the map?

I use the google translator emoji

Raritanium, please edit your messages with the User image button. It's better than writing two messages in a row emoji

Oh, sorry but that Google does not translate your phrase exactly why I do not understand emoji

I use the Google translator. I recall that I'm from Czech Republic, so if you would excuse me, that you too understand.