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What is your favourite weapons dealer?
Vox Industries
Secret Agency or

I like GrummelNet best, as they have the right balance between power and economy, they also had the how-to holo-vids in ACiT emoji

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Hmm it's very hard to choose, but I think I'll have to go with Gadgetron, always been a personal favourite of mine and has a lot of my favourite weapons, but so does Megacorp… but not as much :p

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Gadgetron would definitely be my number one choice. They have sold more weapons to Ratchet compared to the other weapon dealers in the series.

Gadgetron would definitely be my number one choice. They have sold more weapons to Ratchet compared to the other weapon dealers in the series.

you have a good point there young lady emoji

Hmmm…this is a very hard choice for me….but, I think I'll have to go with GrummelNet. Sure, they do sell less weapons, but, their weapons are pretty awesome and their also pretty cheap. I love the demonstration holo-vids for each weapon. Always fun and funny to watchemoji

I like Gadgetron. Not only have they sold the most weapons to Ratchet and Clank, they also made the RYNO - The most powerful and destructive weapon in the series, and they made the morph-o-ray. emoji

For old series,Vox industries
because of Dual vipers and harbinger
For future series,Grummelnet in ACIT because of buzz blades and ryno 5

For old series,Vox industries
because of Dual vipers and harbinger
For future series,Grummelnet in ACIT because of buzz blades and ryno 5

Bearing in mind that GrummelNet are the ONLY company in the Future series…

I'll always love Gagetron :P I hated the level in RaC 2 where you go to the planet with the ruined Gagetron facility. :O