Thread: All 4 one... only one planet??

Deleted user
In a second trailer you can see a water planet or something… you are walking over those wooden platforms and there is a Monster attacking you.
It looks like an other Planet, but it may also be the lower places of planet Magnus.


I'm pretty sure I remember it being the same planet throughout the whole game. So, I'm presuming they may be going deeper down on Magnus.

owwwww… emoji flying to different planets was one of the most awesome things in the series…

It is the same Planet. But remember on Earth we have Steaming hot Deserts, massive oceans, really cold places :P, poor enviroments and rich ones. We even have factorys and stuuf! In R&C it is like the elements and themes are divided into planets (obvious!) so making a game based on one planet! Well it is R&C so there will be different places! Like Aquotos has the Sewers, The secret base and that other place with all the killer robots emoji and In QFB Planet Merdegraw (probably spelt wrong?) they had the Caverns, Holefar Island, The Azorian Sea and Darkwater Cove! And this was a minigame!
A4O has a good chance it WILL be full length! And there will be more than usual going on in this ONE planet! So far we have only seen Two locations!? Well before i first played Tools of Destruction i had only seen Metropolis and feared Ratchet would not journey to other worlds?.. Oh how wrong i was!

Yes you will be on only one planet! Of that you can be sure. But there is more than two places on the planet. Of this you can be sure
LOL i talk with such confedence emoji

yea, i think youre right..
but does that mean there is no Space ship for ratchet? emoji

dont worry! They still got killer robots! And that is the main thing… WAIT! Where do you buy your weapons? I highly doubt grummel net? Perhaps a new company is to be introduced?

Deleted user

I also wonder how the purchasing of weapons works in this too… but I can see there is quite a nice variety of weapons already, cool how you can combine their power with each other too, to use different techniques taking down enemies emoji

Deleted user
I also wonder how the purchasing of weapons works in this too… but I can see there is quite a nice variety of weapons already, cool how you can combine their power with each other too, to use different techniques taking down enemies emoji

My theory about this can be done by this idea:

Once you've completed a level in the game, an options menu will come on screen so you (or other players playing with you) can afford new weapons before you (or they) head on to the next stage.

That's probably one idea on affording new weapons in All 4 One, but I'm sure IG might surprise us with this game objective being done.

Deleted user

Yeah that's what I was thinking, cause I believe I heard them saying that there will be a 'mission select' thing so you can replay missions when you want… so yeah, it might be at the start of each mission/level or so.

Deleted user

i dunno really, theres proberbly 2 planets or somet.

i thought they had to make it safely back home, thats wut i read on ratchet and clank wiki

Deleted user
i dunno really, theres proberbly 2 planets or somet.

i thought they had to make it safely back home, thats wut i read on ratchet and clank wiki

Wiki sites aren't too reliable with their sources. So I seriously doubt that is 100% true only because the game isn't out yet. I'm sure that's probably one idea in the story for All 4 One, but I think there's more to that than just Ratchet and the gang going back home.

whilst they are trying to get back home, they are having to do so by escaping the planet that the so called "creature collector" stranded them on (I heard this in an interview with one of the Insomniac Team), so whist they ARE trying to find their way back home, it's still only one planet…

Deleted user
whilst they are trying to get back home, they are having to do so by escaping the planet that the so called "creature collector" stranded them on (I heard this in an interview with one of the Insomniac Team), so whist they ARE trying to find their way back home, it's still only one planet…

Although, of course, as PlayStation Magazine for All 4 One confirms, there more to it than just that. I won't spoil anything for those who don't have it yet, but it reveals some more about the story, including the Creature Collectors real name.

either way, im uber exited

YEAH!!! ME TOO!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! emoji emoji emoji

ok hey guys it seems like that it is at least 2 planets in the game luminopolis and inside that monster.
don't belive me?
look at this sneak peek then:

oh heres one more for planet oktonok i think

one more i don't know the name of the planet

ok hey guys it seems like that it is at least 2 planets in the game luminopolis and inside that monster.
don't belive me?
look at this sneak peek then:

oh heres one more for planet oktonok i think

one more i don't know the name of the planet

Well this is all old news, yea Luminopolis is on planet Igliak! First level before Ratchet, Clank, Qwark & Nefarious were captured and stranded on planet Magnus

you have got links to different locations on the planet

Luminopolis, Igliak
Oktonik, Magnus
Terawatt, Mangus