Thread: The poll discussion thread

I'd totally go with Q-force. That game was awesome, for me!

Definately All 4 One for me!

It's too bad Kubak can't post this thread early, since we're already voting emoji

I don't think it will make much of a difference.

Hmm.. I think I´m gonna go with Deadlocked as well. It was, after all, my first Ratchet game. And out of all 4, the clost thing to the traditional forumula.

Deadlocked definitely has it's fair share of fans.

Poll is up early because most of you wake up before me on Wednesday. Plus, we were pretty much discussing this poll from the start…

That's SAC for me. Naturally.

No Deadlocked votes? I like it so far emoji

Who voted for FFA!? You shall be punished!


Who voted for FFA!? You shall be punished!

You should know it was me, and that it is you who deserves to be punished!

Come on, guys.
Let's just all be friends and agree that, no matter how much you enjoyed it, FFA was a massive disappointment.

They said it'd be short, and it was.
They said it'd have a surprising new villain, and he was awesome.
They said it'd have tower defense mechanics, and it did, and it was fun.
They said it'd have awesome multiplayer, and it did.
They said it'd be fun, and it was.

What were you expecting?

And we are not talking PS Vita here.

I agree with Ruler, there was nothing to be dissapointed of. Well, except ' what could have been' . But there was never a chance. Imo we haven't seen a real Ratchet game since ACiT.

That is true. Maybe it's a good thing we've had these spin-ofs, in that our expectations are much lower now, so when they get around to another traditional game, it'll be up there with ACiT!

Hopefully! I just hope that, after the reboot, we're going back to the end of Nexus again.

Comparison? Tomb Raider: Legend was a reboot. The Tomb Raider from '96 got a ' reimagening' as Tomb Raider: Anniversary. A prequel to Legend. Then Legend and Anniversary's stories combined were ended with TR: Underworld. I secretly hope the Ratchet ''reboot'' will do something similar. ^^