Thread: E3 2015 Chat Thread

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Yep, just saw it, I'm pretty excited!
The Uncharted games are probably some of my favourite video games of the last generation (heck, they're probably some of my favourite game ever) so I'm really excited to see them remastered on the PS4.
I'm hoping they redo everything though, the first Uncharted is pretty much the definition of an early PS3 game, so the graphics could do with a bit of polish.
I'm hoping all three games incorporate Uncharted 3's mechanics so they can work a little bit better. Stuff like throwing back grenades and such. Especially for Uncharted 1, that game's interface is not user-friendly at all.

Maybe I'm expecting a bit too much from this, especially when it's coming out in 4 months, but I want to believe…

EDIT: Also, 60FPS AND 1080p? With revamped models, lighting and textures?
I'm sold!

Wow, they really started to like making remasters… Heck, with such speed at announcing these, we should see the "Ratchet & Clank: Complete Collection" for PS4 announcement in less than two years!

Hey, I'm also hoping for an R&C collection in PS4. emoji

Meh. I just need the Mass Effect Trilogy on PS4 and I'm all set. emoji

Anyway, I'm super excited about this one! I raised my arms in victory, but my PC-gamer co-workers didn't understand what all the fuzz was about. Unfortunately, it has the same release window as Rise of the Tomb Raider. And I was Rise more, so… not sure whether I'll play it on release, but definitely playing it before U4 comes out!

I just realised I have finished the semester, and will be able to watch all of E3 live after all. Just 3 days ago I learned the semester was ending. I've always been bad with anticipating breaks.

And I could have predicted there would be an upcoming Uncharted Trilogy on PS4 featuring slightly improved graphical resolution and framerate. What didn't anticipate though was them cutting out the online functionality. Seems pretty legit. I shouldn't care too much though, because I still have my 3 original Uncharted games.

As for the Mass Effect Trilogy. I was going to buy that on the PC PlayStation Store a couple of weeks ago, because PSN had a sale on for it (that wasn't advertised at all), where it had about 75% or so off! Unfortunately the purchase failed because it was unable to top-up my wallet via the PC store. And seeing as how I wasn't going to be able to touch my PS3 for another 2 days after that time I was going to have to wait. This was of course time enough for them to get rid of the discount and a potential purchase. I got Jak and Daxter: TLF for my Vita instead (I only buy things that are not a complete rip-off). I should really try to use Steam more often…

I just realised I have finished the semester, and will be able to watch all of E3 live after all. Just 3 days ago I learned the semester was ending. I've always been bad with anticipating breaks.

I'm going to miss parts of Nintendo and M$, I'm on the train then. And the train WiFi sucks. But at least I will be able to watch Sony and EA. Those are the most important to me. And as long as I'm in time to see StarFox at Nintendo and Rise at M$, no harm's done. emoji

And I could have predicted there would be an upcoming Uncharted Trilogy on PS4 featuring slightly improved graphical resolution and framerate. What didn't anticipate though was them cutting out the online functionality. Seems pretty legit. I shouldn't care too much though, because I still have my 3 original Uncharted games.

Uncharted was never a MP to me, never even touched it. Couldn't care less it's not included.

As for the Mass Effect Trilogy. I was going to buy that on the PC PlayStation Store a couple of weeks ago, because PSN had a sale on for it (that wasn't advertised at all), where it had about 75% or so off! Unfortunately the purchase failed because it was unable to top-up my wallet via the PC store. And seeing as how I wasn't going to be able to touch my PS3 for another 2 days after that time I was going to have to wait. This was of course time enough for them to get rid of the discount and a potential purchase. I got Jak and Daxter: TLF for my Vita instead (I only buy things that are not a complete rip-off). I should really try to use Steam more often…

Such a shame! I'd actually seen it on Facebook a few times. Sublime trilogy, but I'm sure I've already told everyone that ^^

The point with the Uncharted trilogy is that they are re-releasing the games with less content than they originally had. Personally I have zero interest in any Uncharted multiplayer, but the fact is, this trilogy has less going for it than the original games.

I do wonder why you always stylise Microsoft as M$, but you don't write Sony as $ony or Nintendo as… something implying that they too are evil. I mean Microsoft have been listening to their fans, and since the Xbox One's announce they completely turned everything around, and made their system into what it should have been when they announced it. Meanwhile Sony have done the exact opposite with the PS Vita, and released it with all sorts of goodies that everyone loves, but turned around and get their bigger studios all diverted to the PS4, so they could port PC indie games (and PlayStation Mobile games) to the system.

Even though the Xbox One has nothing for me, I can see that the company behind the system cares about their fans WAY more than the company behind the PS Vita.

I still know nothing about Nintendo, but they are a business too, so I'm sure they've done plenty of evil things to make money.

EDIT: Oh, and yea, you did tell everyone about how great the ME Trilogy is, but I like to try and lower my expectations for new things to such a level that I expect nothing great of any game. This way I can never be let down. A good example right now is Fallout 4. Right now it's a very big deal. I watched the trailer and was incredibly unimpressed, so I got Fallout 3 and played a few hours of that. Yea it's pretty good, but I'm still not going to be hyped about Fallout 4 at all. This way, if it's good I'll like it, and if it's bad I'll not like it. Whereas if I got all hyped I would probably never like it at all.

I fear Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will never live up to my expectations, because I'm REALLY excited for this game. No Metal Gear game has ever let me down, so I've been happily getting excited for this game… until now. Now I get the feeling it may never surpass my expectations.

The point with the Uncharted trilogy is that they are re-releasing the games with less content than they originally had. Personally I have zero interest in any Uncharted multiplayer, but the fact is, this trilogy has less going for it than the original games.

My guess is that they release the trilogy for newcomers. Who either hadn't played the trilogy or skippers from the 360. Which is a good thing, it implies that Uncharted 4 isn't newcomer friendly. Meaning more refrences to the trilogy for us!

I do wonder why you always stylise Microsoft as M$

Don't think too much of it. It's a habit I picked up on another forums. Tomb Raider related, might I add.emoji

EDIT: Oh, and yea, you did tell everyone about how great the ME Trilogy is, but I like to try and lower my expectations for new things to such a level that I expect nothing great of any game. This way I can never be let down. A good example right now is Fallout 4. Right now it's a very big deal. I watched the trailer and was incredibly unimpressed, so I got Fallout 3 and played a few hours of that. Yea it's pretty good, but I'm still not going to be hyped about Fallout 4 at all. This way, if it's good I'll like it, and if it's bad I'll not like it. Whereas if I got all hyped I would probably never like it at all.

I fear Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will never live up to my expectations, because I'm REALLY excited for this game. No Metal Gear game has ever let me down, so I've been happily getting excited for this game… until now. Now I get the feeling it may never surpass my expectations.

N'yeah. Fallout 4 didn't look so good. They're probably spending most of their time and resources on the fast landscape(s). Cause that dog animation in the beginning, I had a small eye twitch.

Well, I guess you'll find out. Most of the time when I'm super excited for a game, it eventually surpasses it anyway emoji

E3 pics!

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Those are pretty boring E3 pics. In a few days, all the E3 pics I expect to see had better feature some sort of video game!

Hey, they just started building! But did you see the giant Nathan Drake?! emoji

Hellblade trailer!
Right here

I really am looking forward to this year's E3, but does anyone else feel like these companies are revealing too much? Not only that, but Nintendo seems to have major issues with keeping new content from leaking ahead of schedule.

In recent weeks we've had:
-Ryu and Roy being leaked as Sm4sh DLC a day before Nintendo Direct, and Hyrule Warriors 3DS leaked way before E3
-Ratchet and Clank trailers/game-play plus the Uncharted Collection
-Lots of Halo 5 content being revealed, and other exclusives being announced/heavily hinted
-Fallout Freakin' 4
-and the list goes on for other publishers and developers

Now, I'm not trying to come off complaining; I'm always happy to see new info about my favorite games and developers, and early announcements can help in sales/hype. But, I feel like they're kind of taking the point out of E3. I get that they might want to make room for bigger announcements(like the currently unannounced AAA titles), but, I don't know, it lessens the impact of E3 if there's already so much that we know going in.

Ah well, E3 will still give us the good stuff as usual.

Actually, what they're doing is teasing. These are well placed leaks. Meaning they 'leaked' some of that stuff on purpose to create a hype. Some companies even made an extra teaser trailer. Like Crystal with Rise of the Tomb Raider and Bethesda with Fallout 4. I'm actually going to watch M$'s press conference for Tomb Raider now, even though I have zero interest in their other games.

It's all PR, gathering people to watch. No need to worry. It's more likely they'll show something way more massive about Fallout 4 then you've already seen. emoji


Just heard the new Zelda will most likely not be shown during Nintendo's E3 Direct thingy.