Thread: The Lombax OC Wiki

Good evening people! emoji

Some shameless advertisement for you.
As you may or may not know, I have opened a new website (Grand Opening May 21st 2010, so excuse the rough edges emoji ) for all Ratchet and Clank fans. The Lombax OC Wiki.
User image
Click to visit.

What is it?
Originally started as a University Project in Internet Software Architectures, the LOCW (for short) emerged to form a free for all Wiki; if you have a fictional character, place, setting, company (anything really) related to your Ratchet and Clank role playing, fan-fiction, comic, game, project or anything else you can think of then this is where you can create your own article, giving it it's own slice of the Internet to explain everything there is to know on your creation! It doesn't even have to be a Lombax! emoji

Free to join and free to use! Just be sure to read the help section before starting. emoji

Peace out!
~Ben Anderson - LOCW Administrator

Deleted user

This sounds like a really good website emoji I'll be looking into that once I am back from my trip, since I won't have much time online and much time to draw my characters neither.

I also actually have no lombax fancharacters… emoji but I have several others, of a species in the series already.

Its for any Ratchet and Clank fan character, story, comic etc.
It doesn't have to be a Lombax (I should really change the name :B )

Well farts. I actually have an OC to put up and the sites closed emoji
Oh well, too slow I guess…