Thread: Ratchet and Clank's Character Versus Game

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The rules are quite simple since this has been done in many forums.

One member would take two Ratchet and Clank characters to go versus with. Then the next member would pick their choice from the previous members' post and would take two other R&C characters for the next member to reply to. Then the process continues for every post in this thread.


Here's an example:

Let's say I choose…

Clank v.s. Klunk

Then the next member would post Klunk (just for example) as their answer. The member can have the option to explain why they chose that character, that's if they want to. Then that member would pick two other characters to go against for the next member to reply, like…

Cronk v.s. Zephyr

Then the next member would choose either Cronk or Zephyr.


Okay, looks like I've explained enough, so let the battle begins! Starting with…

The Smuggler v.s. The Plumber (the Future version)

Tricky, probably the Smuggler, as he is just… ummm, an interesting character… emoji

Captain Qwark vs. Lawrence.

Deleted user

Oh wow! That's a tough one too. Although I do think Captain Qwark is awesome, but my choice will be for Lawrence on this one. He does so much for a cooky robotic villain and doesn't get that much appreciation for what he does most of the time. I think he and I do have quite somethings in common. emoji

Okay, how about…

Skrunch the Monkey v.s. Slugha (Vox's pet)

I go for slugha cause it's cuter then skrunch plus he/she is not a monkey like skrunch even though skrunch is very helpful in UYA but nontheless I hate monkeys nothing but trouble they are.

I got a good one Alister Vs Orvus

Orvus for being a great father and suchlike… He's got a sense of humour (maybe not a good one, but a sense of humour all the same) he has an idea of what is a serious situation and understands limitations of stuff (like the clock) and he never gets angry! emoji

Skidd McMarx and Zephyr

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Oh No! Not another tough one! emoji

I'll vote for Skid McMarx on this one because I appreciate him a little bit more than Zephyr. And besides, Skid is green and I adore green quite a lot. emoji

Okay, here's one…

Angela Cross v.s. Juanita Alvaro

Angela vs. Juanita… probably the hardest one we've had so far… emoji

ok, here goes… I'd go for Juanita because she's funny, I find Angela a little boring to put up with in the cutscenes, but that's probably just me…

Flint Vorselon and Rusty Pete…

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Definitely Rusty Pete. I have nothing against Vorselon and he's a pretty cool character and such, but I just couldn't say no to Rusty Pete. He's our E-Rated lovable drunk! emoji

Big Al v.s. Captain Slag

Big Al installed the heli-pack!

Talwyn and Tachyon

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I'll go with Tachyon just because I thought he was a pretty interesting villain. Sure, he was a super-mega jerk to Ratchet's kind, but I thought his royalty snobby prince like personality is what made him quite likable and unique.

Mr.Zurkon v.s. Sigmund

Sigmund! cause he made time rifts and Mr. Zurkon don't!

ok ratchet vs cronk

Cronk because he's funny:
"it's a zombie death beam that will wipe out all life in the galaxy"
"then why are ya tryin' to put batteries in it ya darn fool!"

Gadgetron CEO (appeared in first game) or Fizzwidget

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Both characters gave you discounts in UYA, but if I had to pick one… I would say the Gadgetron CEO. Ratchet has been around with Gadgetron a bit more than Megacorp so I guess the one with more experience get's my vote. Even though I did find Fizzwidget to be a fun character, but he did annoyed me in some moments.

Alister Azimuth v.s. The Smuggler

even though the smuggler is a helpful character even when he's a jerk sometimes but I say I go for Alister cause he's quite fast and powerful

clank vs lawrence

Deleted user

I would definitely choose Clank. He's cute, lovable, and has an adorable laugh! You cannot resist it. emoji

Helga v.s. Cassiopeia