Thread: The Move Heroes Character Points Game

Deleted user

Well, since Playstation Move Heroes is coming in almost a month now, I thought up a little game that might be fun for those who are both fans of Ratchet, Sly and Jak.

Here are the Rules.

I am going to list the characters that are playable in Playstation Move Heroes. Each character on the list is going to start with zero points, and then each member that posts in this thread will give an additional and a minus 1 point to both sections on the list. Then after 10 or 15 posts, someone can update the list and see which Hero and Sidekick is in the lead so far.

This is the chart


Jak = 0
Ratchet = 0
Sly = 0


Bentley = 0
Clank = 0
Daxter = 0

Now to make this game easier to understand, perhaps I should start off for those who may not get the game's rules that clearly.

For the Heroes…

Sly will get +1
Jak will get -1

For the Sidekicks…

Clank will get +1
Daxter will get -1

So now the list should be like this…


Jak = -1
Ratchet = 0
Sly = 1


Bentley = 0
Clank = 1
Daxter = -1

Looks like I've explained enough, now let's start off playing this game, shall we? emoji

YAY I'm Number 1!
This is like the Ratchet & Clank Game on the Insomniac Games website.

Hurt Sly
Heal Ratchet

Hurt Sly's sidekick (forget his name?)
Heal Clank

How do you expect this to end up? I predict…

Ratchet: 1000
Jak: 0
Sly: -1000
Clank: 1000
Daxter: 0
Sly's sidekick: -1000

around about emoji

Deleted user

Yeah it's kind of like that game in the Insomniac Forums, but I wanted this topic to focus more on PS Move Heroes. Plus you have two category to add or take away a point from each character.

And by the way, Sly's sidekick is named Bentley. I even mentioned his name in the chart. emoji

But yeah, here's what the chart is like so far.


Jak = -1
Ratchet = 1
Sly = 0


Bentley = -1
Clank = 2
Daxter = -1

Looks like Clank is heading pretty good in this game. emoji

Hurt Sly
Heal Ratchet

Hurt Bently
Heal Clank

Deleted user

Geez… so much hate for Sly Cooper here. What did he and Bentley ever done to you? emoji

Well different strokes for different folks I presume. People could probably say the same thing for my choices too. emoji

Okay here's the score so far…

Jak = -1
Ratchet = 3
Sly = -2

Bentley = -3
Clank = 4
Daxter = -1

Alright, I'm going to…

Give Sly 1 point
Take a away 1 point from Ratchet (oh no! people are going to hate me now) emoji

Give Bentley 1 point
Take away 1 point from Daxter