Thread: Full Frontal Assault Main Villan?

I was wondering, who the main bad guy would be? I looked on IMDB, and the voice at the top is Nolan North (for those who don't know he is the voice actor who did Nathan Drake, from uncharted). But it does not say who he plays, I think he is probably the villian. But I am not sure. You can post who you think the main villan is, or what ever you want that has something to do with bad guys in FFA. emoji

Deleted user
Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

Yeah, I kinda expected that. I think that Ratchet met him before, but not us, the gamers.

It's probably someone you never expected to be a villain.. perhaps a turned ally?

It's probably someone you never expected to be a villain.. perhaps a turned ally?

Evil Talwyn :P

I'm very affraind that the main villian never appeaered in an R&C game. But I really hope it's someone weh now. A nice 10th Ann. gift!

Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

R&C Wiki can be edited by ANYONE, and can ofeten times have inaccurate information.

The villain is…

Evil Rayman!

Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

R&C Wiki can be edited by ANYONE, and can ofeten times have inaccurate information.

The villain is…

Evil Rayman!

WHAT?! emoji lol

Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

R&C Wiki can be edited by ANYONE, and can ofeten times have inaccurate information.

The villain is…

Evil Rayman!

WHAT?! emoji lol

If you have played Rayman 1 (to the end) you know exactly what I'm talking about, if you have played Rayman Origins and unlocked the skin you have some idea, and if you haven't done either you are very confused.

I'm serious though that bugger is coming back, even if it is the wrong game… that's dark magic for ya!

Wait! "A familiar face from Ratchet and Clank's past", "a nasty suprise for Qwark" and that all Stuart Zurg emoji. Meaby the main villian is Qwark's fanboy from Going Commando and Stuart Zurg is his name emoji

Wait! "A familiar face from Ratchet and Clank's past", "a nasty suprise for Qwark" and that all Stuart Zurg emoji. Meaby the main villian is Qwark's fanboy from Going Commando and Stuart Zurg is his name emoji

That theory, (although unlikely) makes a lot of sense!.. kind of… well I would certainly like to see that character again either way…

Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

Why doesn't this say anything? emojiemojiemoji

Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

Why doesn't this say anything? emojiemojiemoji

that's a spoiler tag, click the black rectangle bit to see what's inside it. Spoiler tags are usually used to hide information that some people might like not to see (e.g, the ending to a game/film/book).

Ratchet and clank wiki says theres a new villian

Why doesn't this say anything? emojiemojiemoji

that's a spoiler tag, click the black rectangle bit to see what's inside it. Spoiler tags are usually used to hide information that some people might like not to see (e.g, the ending to a game/film/book).


Deleted user

hm well yeah it could be anyone but on the trailer it said….

A FAMILIAR FACE who could THAT be?
hm well yeah it could be anyone but on the trailer it said….

A FAMILIAR FACE who could THAT be?

Isn't that exactly what we've been discussing all throughout this thread??