Thread: Lombax OCs

Lombax OCs

Now, we all know that alot of Ratchet and Clank fans have their own OCs. Some of them are fantastically memorable and you are dying to know more about them!

I usually find myself thinking that alot of OCs have a surprising amount of depth to them, and are usually based around the creator's personal experiences. For example, Pilot, who can be seen in my avatar (lool) will always remain a part of me because… in a sense… he is me. And so I can keep his feelings, his attitudes and the things that he is capable of doing "realisticly possible and beleivable", in a sense.

I think the best OC is the most apparently "normal" OC. No huge robotic cyborg 'baxes, no multi-coloured things… usually it's the simplest things that stand out to me the most. It's their personalities and backstories that intrigues me, and sets them out from the rest.

My question is, do you find yourself liking people's OCs more than the canon characters? How come?

Finally, a thread that I will spend a lot of time on, lol

And yes, for me, this fandom has become less about Ratchet & Clank themselves, but more about the Lombax OC's people create.

Heck, if it wasn't for the Lombax OC's made by oOWhiplashOo and Ben-Anderson on DA, I'm my obsession with R&C would have died out long ago.

I'm now constantly drawing my own Lombax OC's and I have currently created 7 of my own OC's: Taylor, Ty, Vicky, Tucker, Garrus, Rex, and Theo, all of which have their own backstory and can be seen on DA ( ) and the Lombax OC wiki, I also have my own Lombax persona which can be seen in my avatar

and now that I think of it, I've only ever drawn Ratchet once…huh…

I love R&C but for me, It's all about the OC's

That's the same with me actually. I think there are a few OCs out there that interest me alot more than the actual Ratchet and Clank characters, haha XD

I always find it easier to have 1 OC. I don't know why, I just made Pilot, and I can't seem to attatch myself to any other character I create. I think it'll only ever be Pilot for me, he doesn't want me to share myself out with other OCs emoji

*points at my avatar* I actually created Mercus out of random impulse, and before I actually played the actual games. Nonetheless, he's grown on me, and I've been trying to develop his (back)story ever since.

Essentially, Mercus Wrenchet is not your average Lombax, even compared to the other lombax OCs that I've seen (all pretty awesome in their own way, btw XD); Mercus is part lombax and part human. He was also born on Earth, in the Milky Way galaxy, as opposed to one of the galaxies from the games. He stands at about 6' 8" and is 32 years old in Earth-Years (however, the combination of his lombax and human DNA gives him a slower aging rate than humans, yet a faster aging rate than lombaxes. Thus, his actual age is estimated to be around 27 years old). He also had a bit of a rollercoastering weight problem as an adolescent, being rather plump in elementary school and really skinny from middle school to the end of high school. It was only in his final year of high school that he figured out the proper diet for his unique genetic makeup.

… I'm sorry if I'm rambling. I'm just trying to give you guys a little summary. ^__^; Honestly, I should try to finish Mercus's LOCW Page.

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Ah, I thought Mercus was part human, since he looks like he is :p (doesn't have the typical lombax shape XD) but that is cool though =D

But yeah to be honest, I actually don't have any Lombax OC's. Not because I don't like them (of course I like Lombaxes =P ), because I have no ideas for them and they're not relevant in my fanfiction.

However I do have lots of R&C OC's, but of different species (both canon species and made-up species). I suppose this isn't the topic to speak about them though… but I have put a lot of depth into them, to fit into the R&C universe and with some other canon characters lives.

I also don't mean to be a party-pooper but I do think there are too many Lombax fancharacters out there; what about all the other species in the franchise XD? Well at least there are some well thought out Lombax characters though, and that they're not always rainbow coloured with other non-lombax features XD

Sorry, but what's an "OC" emoji

Sorry, but what's an "OC" emoji

"OC" stands for "Original Character". In this case, we are talking about Original Characters that are lombaxes.

I just think there are so many lombax fan characters because they're fun to draw emoji In my opinon they are anyway :P

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I also don't mean to be a party-pooper but I do think there are too many Lombax fancharacters out there; what about all the other species in the franchise XD? Well at least there are some well thought out Lombax characters though, and that they're not always rainbow coloured with other non-lombax features XD

I'm pretty much have the same opinion as Tara does. I find that many Ratchet and Clank fans (especially the younger fans) only draws or get obsessed with Ratchet, Alister, or these Lombax OCs. What about Clank, Captain Qwark, or other species and characters from the R&C universe? And not to sound harsh here, but I think people who ONLY gets obsessed with Lombax fan-characters doesn't make them a true Ratchet and Clank fan, unless if these Lombax OC artists have played the games or have knowledge about R&C stories.

But anyways, the Lombaxes OCs aren't really my cup of tea, but I don't mind people liking that kind of stuff. If it's your thing, it's okay, like whatever you want, but there are others who will not be on the same boat when it comes to a topic like this.

*just so you's all know, this is a topic I actually keep close to heart, so forgive me if I seem very…. defensive*

I also don't mean to be a party-pooper but I do think there are too many Lombax fancharacters out there; what about all the other species in the franchise XD? Well at least there are some well thought out Lombax characters though, and that they're not always rainbow coloured with other non-lombax features XD

I actually get rather annoyed when I see people making Lombax OC's that have unnatural colors like green or blue, I always draw mine with different shades of brown or similar colors you might actually see on real animals

I pretty much have the same opinion as you do Tara. I find that many Ratchet and Clank fans (especially the younger fans) only draws or get obsessed with Ratchet, Alister, or these Lombax OCs. What about Clank, Captain Qwark, or other species and characters from the R&C universe? And not to sound harsh here, but I think people who ONLY gets obsessed with Lombax fan-characters doesn't make them a true Ratchet and Clank fan, unless if these Lombax OC artists have played the games or have knowledge about R&C stories.

But anyways, the Lombaxes OCs aren't really my cup of tea, but I don't mind people liking that kind of stuff. If it's your thing, it's okay, like whatever you want, but there are others who will not be on the same boat when it comes to a topic like this.

Well I'm obsessed with ONLY the lombax characters, but I've played all the games. It's just all the other species in the R&C universe just don't interest me, I like the lombaxes because they are so unique.

I think people like the lombaxes the most because in all of the R&C games (except SAC) you play as a lombax! It's the one species thats almost always on screen.

And I dont mean to sound…em…mean, but if you dont like the topic, dont post on it, lol, also I doubt you want to start a "if you only like this, you're not really a fan" argument, they never end well, remember what happened with RF, lol

I agree with Revan AC because Lombaxes are the dominant lifeform in the series even if (ironically) there is only a handful, but I agree with Tara and Tipsy because I think we need to have more of other species, whether it's Blaarg, ameboid, robot, Cragmite or whatever, so I'm indifferent really. emoji

I agree with tara and tipsy on this one (and to think I was the only one to think that ^^; ) seeing as there's too many lombax oc makes me wonder what's wrong with the other species in the R&C series? don't get me wrong I like lombaxes but I just think it's unfair that lombaxes has WAY too much oc and while the rest of the other species have so little oc at all (of course there are some few other species oc pictures but not as much as lombax oc) I may not have a R&C oc yet but I might be thinking of either a cazar (I once read they are fox like creatures and I love foxes they're cute :3) smuggler's species (what ever his species is) or a robot (what kind of robot I do not know yet but it's not gonna be a robot lombax oc so don't think it people)

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Oh no, I wouldn't say anything that would be too cruel like that and I didn't point out to YOU guys that "you're not a fan" of the franchise at all if you like making Lombax fan-characters. Perhaps when I said…

And not to sound harsh here, but I think people who ONLY gets obsessed with Lombax fan-characters doesn't make them a true Ratchet and Clank fan, unless if these Lombax OC artists have played the games or have knowledge about R&C stories.

Is probably where you got a little offended. I understand that many fans are obsessed with Lombaxes because Ratchet is a Lombax himself and you get to play as one, but I don't feel that "Lombax-ish" spark when I play or become obsessed with a Ratchet and Clank game. Maybe I should of wrote this before rather than what I wrote on my previous post.

Also, I did mention that I don't mind anyone liking to make OCs that are Lombaxes. There are a few that are pretty well developed that have some great personality, such as Whiplash's LOC's for instance.

My opinion is pretty opposite from you guys, but you gotta know that not every R&C fans aren't crazy about Lombax OCs.

So I am ending my post right now. Enjoy your discussions. emoji

At least I back-up my argument with a cleaner and logical response unlike RF for instant. emoji

I have to admit, I was a tad offended coz this is a topic I feel strongly about, but it's alright, I know you didn't mean to offend anyone.

But actually, I don't feel this "lombax-ish spark" when I play either, it's when I'm creating my own OC's when I get it. I haven't actually played R&C in a good while now, been too busy drawing (as well as playing other games and doing other life stuff, lol)

PS. you're right about RF, lol emoji

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Well I can understand some getting defensive about it, but please… never compare Tipsy with the likes of RF. RF's not worth comparing, even by a longshot >.>

But yeah, I can understand though why the lombaxes get so much attention from the fanbase. It's because they are unique, the species of the main charater, etc. And since there is very few of them revealed in the actual games, the fans just WANT to do something with them emoji
But for myself, I've made a Markazian, few robots, Cazar, and more. I even had to make up a species name for a few characters, because they were unknown (like Ace's for example, lol)

and also like Revan said, I don't really like the multicoloured Lombaxes too much neither (I don't hate though, just.. don't really like, lol), the natural colour combination ones are better and more true to the race emoji and they allow you to think of them as a better and more believable character for the series.