Thread: Many scenes/audio cut from Deadlocked/Gladiator

Nope, the pre-rendered cutscenes appear to be in a special PSS format, although they come out as an MPG for some reason? They just lack the audio though, but I know how to get the audio from them (It's just a bit complicated since it extracts all 5 different languages!) and these were very difficult to find XD

As for all the audio, some of them are in order when I find them and they're all seperate files. Most of them have the same filename too, so it isn't easy to get them all out.

I'll have to make a huge list of all the cut content and ideas sometime… it appears there was going to be an extra level around the DreadZone station, and many other different ideas for the other existing levels. I have a few hundred more files to go through then I'll be ready emoji

Well, I also found a way to extract the audio from ToD cutscenes. It's inside the BINK files as single 48kHz mono tracks, but for some reason the player doesn't play them while they can still be extracted.

Were there any BINK character renders like the different Ratchets in ToD, like the two I posted in the first post of the thread I made?

Deleted user

Nope, Deadlocked doesnt use any BINK videos. But Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank do.

I also finally found all of the music and ingame cutscene audio. I even found the cutscene audio for when Ratchet rescues Clank, I'll definitely post it up sometime later emoji

Deleted user

The formats were .mpg surprisingly… but the true format was .pss (when the audio is included, it included all 5 languages too)

And when my internet is fast again, I'll upload more cut audio emoji (which should be tomorrow, heh)

Deleted user

A posted a bit more cut audio, sorry for the long delay! I'll do more as soon as I get free time…
I'll post all of the cut audio to this playlist here though I just added the Ace audio that was found, and some of it is funny XD (and also gives clues on how his bossfight was originally going to be)